We are looking for bereaved young people aged 16-24 to join a new advisory group to help us improve support for grieving children and young people.
What’s the project?
The Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN) is a group of charities and services that support children and young people in the UK when someone important in their lives has died. We are working together on a new project ‘What's Working for Bereaved Young People?', finding out what kinds of support work best for different groups of bereaved young people, so that services are the best they can be.
We are setting up a Young People’s Advisory Group to work together over the next two years to advise on the project.
Who can get involved?
The group will be made up of eight bereaved young people aged 16 to 24, all of whom have experience of getting support from a young people’s bereavement service. There is no experience required, just a desire from young people to have their voice heard to improve support for other bereaved children and young people. We’re keen to encourage recruitment from diverse groups of bereaved young people so that we have a good mix of backgrounds and experiences.
How will the Advisory Group work?
The group will meet about six times over the next two years, including two in-person meetings in London, and four meetings online. We want to remove as many barriers as we can to getting involved, so we will cover the costs of all travel and expenses. We can also offer vouchers to thank the young people for their time. The Advisory Group will work together on things like:
- how services can get feedback and information from young people to understand the difference that support makes
- what this information tells us about how well support is working
- how services can use this information to improve their support.
As well as advising on this project, there might be other ways for the Advisory Group to support bereaved children and young people. Some examples include helping to shape messages for Children’s Grief Awareness Week and influencing CBN’s campaigns to improve support.
What are the benefits of taking part?
Being a member of the group will be a great way for young people to develop their skills, meet new people and have access to other exciting opportunities to get involved in our work and have their say.
What are the next steps?
Young people can apply at the link below
or email [email protected] to apply via video/audio or for more information.
Applications close Friday 29th November 2024.
Sharing this opportunity
Please share this opportunity with young people who might be interested. You can download these assets to help:
- A4 flyer (pdf)
- Social media card
- Suggested copy for newsletters, social media etc.