A review of Children's Grief Awareness Week 2023
We were delighted to bringing back Sharing Shapes for 2023. This concept worked so well for the children and young people who participated in 2022. For 2023, we wanted to see more Sharing Shapes being submitted to create a giant mural of support for bereaved children and young people. And we did!
Last year, our theme was 'The Shape of Your Support'. We focused on the people around a bereaved child or young person (beyond their friends or family) that can be there to support them through their grief.
Our opinion surveys for children and young people
We also launched two short surveys for children and young people, asking about their opinion on what changes would most help bereaved children and young people. These then fed into the creation of a manifesto for bereaved children, young people and individuals ahead of the General Election 2024. You can find that manifesto here.