We produce a number of good practice guides for those working with bereaved children and young people.
Checklist for good practice
Our checklist for good practice in child bereavement services covers the areas of safe practice, fair practice, reflective practice and sustainable practice. All CBN members endorse these guidelines as a condition of their membership.
Self-assessment tool
We have developed a self-assessment matrix for services to audit their practice against the areas of good practice. This also helps services demonstrate how they are meeting the Bereavement Care Service Standards (2014 - see below). The matrix is free to download as a word document, which will expand as you complete the rows.
A guide to developing good practice in child bereavement services
New CBN members also recieve a copy of A guide to developing good practice in child bereavement services, which goes into greater detail and signposts to useful resources to embed good practice in organisations. Join today to recieve a free copy.
Bereavement Care Service Standards
Cruse Bereavement Care and the Bereavement Services Association worked together to consult the sector and produce Bereavement Care Service Standards in 2014. These provide a framework for good practice for bereavement services working with people of all ages.