Devastating events around the world bring challenges to children and young people. Some will be bereaved directly themselves in traumatic circumstances, and others may be very anxious about the safety of those they love. News coverage and public reactions to crisis and conflict can spark empathy and fear in the wider community of children and young people, and may reawaken their own griefs. Parents, carers and services will be looking for ways to reassure them, while managing their own responses to tragedy.
This page signposts to sources of support for children and families affected by crisis and conflict in different circumstances.
For children and young people bereaved by crisis and conflict
Local CBN member organisations provide support to bereaved children and young people, and national organisations including Grief Encounter, Child Bereavement UK and Winston's Wish have helplines ready to support those caring for children and young people.
The UK Trauma Council has resources for young people affected by war and conflict including an animation and self-care tips in multiple languages.
For parents talking to children about the news
Beacon House provide detailed advice and suggested activities for parents and other trusted adults talking to children about war and conflict.
BBC Bitesize has tips on talking to children about upsetting news.
Place2Be has suggestions on talking to children and young people about war and conflict.
For young people affected by the news
BBC Newsround has suggestions for young people who are upset by the news.
For organisations supporting children bereaved by conflict
The UK Trauma Council has resources on supporting
Children and War UK and their sister organisation the Children and War Foundation offer training and resources on trauma recovery techniques.
Training manuals on psychological first aid and dealing with traumatic responses in children are available from Save the Children.
For those affected by the crisis in Ukraine
Our 'I can...You can...' postcards are now available in Ukrainian for bereaved young people to download and use as prompts for support.
Support for Ukrainian parents on supporting their children
Advice, films and tips from Child Bereavement UK
Red Cross suggestions about talking to children about war (Ukrainian – pdf download)
Guidance from the Global Parenting Initiative (Ukrainian, Russian and English)
Caring for children through conflict and displacement from the UNODC and the University of Manchester (Ukrainian, Russian and English)